
Job Seeker’s Forum Online

Join our group of accountability partners to ensure your job search success!

All 2019 participants secured positions in less than 90 days!

Looking for a new job opportunity can be isolating and discouraging. Connecting with other mid and senior level professionals experiencing the inevitable highs and lows of a career transition can increase your motivation, self-esteem, and ultimately reduce the time it takes to secure your new position.

Our Competitive Job Seekers Forum is designed to provide you with education, advice, resources, accountability, and support that will propel you through even the most daunting search process. You will connect with other industry-driving professionals to collaborate, expand your network, and reinforce your efforts, empowering you to execute the necessary steps for a successful job search.


Round Table Online

Produce. Lead. Strategize. Grow. Manage. Develop. Thrive. Excel.

The demands of today’s workplace are greater than ever. Navigating the ever-growing array of benchmarks, need for innovation, responsibility to develop others, all while achieving your own career (and personal!) goals can be confusing and stressful. We’re offering you the opportunity to connect with other professionals experiencing similar successes and failures to inspire, motivate, and ultimately provide you with new strategies and resources to tackle your greatest challenges within the workplace.