Meet Meagan, an advanced degree professional who would like to transition into a different role. Meagan knows she has much of the experience necessary for a new role, but she's having a hard time illustrating to interviewers how her background prepares her for this new adventure. Here's how we helped:

I really appreciate how Holly approached every aspect of my job search with a positive attitude, despite my tendency towards pessimism! I had been on the job market for about eight months and had not been called back for any interviews. Holly helped me adapt my research-focused CV into a more standard format resume that highlighted skills important for a career transition, including my project management and communication skills. When I started receiving interview invitations, we had a practice session where Holly helped me to gain confidence when conveying my experience in an interview setting. Additionally, we worked on refining my storytelling to select concise anecdotes to best address common interview questions and specific job requirements. After every job interview Holly remained engaged by calling to discuss how things went for me and to give feedback. I would recommend this service!


Meet Kate, a stay-at-home mom who wanted to transition back into the workplace. Before becoming a full-time mom, Kate's career was in teaching. She used our coaching experience to confirm her career path in teaching, identify her innate strengths, re-examine her behaviors in the workplace, and prepare for interviews. Here's her story:

Working with The Wilbanks Consulting Group has given me insight to who I am, and the confidence I needed to rejoin the workforce. Before I was a stay-at-home mom, I felt "stuck" in my current teaching position; after taking the personality tests with WCB, I realized I was held back by limitations that were only set by me and my circumstances. After I took the first test and had a coaching session with Holly, I went on two job interviews for highly sought after positions in a very competitive school district. Both schools called me the same day as my interviews offering me the jobs. I can honestly say that the coaching with Holly really helped me highlight my assets, and speak honestly to my strengths during the interview. The interview panel was touched by my honesty. They were impressed that I not only knew the subject matter, but also spoke clearly about my passion for teaching, quoting phrases taken from my coaching session with Holly. Though I began the coaching with Holly hoping to realize that I was meant to be in a different career, it instead reaffirmed my passion for teaching, and has given me a strong foot to stand on as I begin a new job, hopeful for a future in educational leadership.


Ready to take ownership over your career? Contact a career coach today.